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Ham Radio Workbench Podcast

This podcast is your bi-weekly deep dive on making, DIY, electronics, and technical topics of interest to the ham radio operator. Join your hosts George KJ6VU and Jeremy KF7IJZ as they discuss current developments in ham radio while introducing listeners to a plethora of topics and skills such as test equipment, 3D Printing, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and more.

Jan 31, 2017

In this episode of the Ham Radio 360 Workbench, George and Jeremy continue the conversation on communicating with Microcontrollers and Single Board Computers. They deep dive on wireless ways of communicating from direct RF links to WiFi.

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West Mountain Radio Powergate -

Low Loss Powergate -

KF7IJZ’s Test of the rev 1 DC Power Board -

Point to Point


Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)




If This Then That (IFTTT):