Dec 20, 2016
Jeremy and George introeduce Workbench Listeners to 3D Printing technology. They provide an overview of the technology, equipment, techniques, and software needed to add 3D Printing to your workbench.
Good general 3D Printing resource -
3D Printing Filament Guide -
Dec 6, 2016
George and Jeremy breakdown what it takes to build the new HR360/K6BEZ Antenna Analyzer and where to find all the information you’ll need to make it happen!George and Jeremy breakdown what it takes to build the new HR360/K6BEZ Antenna Analyzer and where to find all the information you’ll need to make it happen!
Nov 22, 2016
George and Jeremy enjoy a fireside chat about shopping for your Workbench and Shack.
Antenna Analyzer Project Information -
Everything Ham Radio Podcast -
QSO Today Podcast -
Nov 8, 2016
This week, we announce the details of the Antenna Analyzer project! George teaches Jeremy about all the facets of DIY printed circuit board (PCB) design using AutodeskEagle (Show Sponsor, download for free ). George discusses Schematic Capture, Board Layout, and...
Oct 25, 2016
George and Jeremy KF7IJZ are joined by Beric Dunn K6BEZ and Nick Garner N3WG to design an “idiot switch” – a micro controller device that can remove power from a soldering iron when the user leaves it turned on too long (Like Jeremy himself did with a Hakko FX-888 for 2 weeks!).
Teardown photos of the FX-888D: