Jan 30, 2018
George attends the annual Bay-Net repeater conference BayCon and brings you a selection of presentations. Mike K6ML talks about building 122Ghz radios using automotive sensors. Marcel AI6MS talks about building ARKnet, a wireless emergency intranet for the city of Cupertino. Finally, George provides more on build...
Jan 16, 2018
When working with circuits diagnosis and design become nearly impossible if you can’t see what’s going on. Digilent has created a super portable and affordable instrument that when combined with its Waveform software suite, it delivers to its users a bench worth of test and measurement instruments in a USB...
Jan 1, 2018
A geostationary amateur satellite has been a dream for US Hams for years. The AMSAT Phase 4B program aims to deliver on this dream. Michelle Thompson W5NYV joins us to discuss the AMSAT Phase 4B program and her role in leading the Ground Station team.
Starting in February 2018, you will no longer get Ham...