Feb 23, 2021
This week we have a mega cast to discuss how to start a workbench on a $250 budget. George KJ6VU, Rod VA3ON, Vince VE6LK, and Dan AG7GM all present their recommendations while Mike VA3MW and Jeremy KF7IJZ give insight to the selections offered.
Jun 18, 2019
This week Smitty KR6ZY joins George in the cohost chair as Jeremy had family obligations. George talks about his new found interest in a series of tubes, and Mark talks about finding a new found interest.
PERMALINK - https://www.hamradioworkbench.com/podcast/new-pursuits-in-the-old-hobby
Our Website -
Jan 15, 2019
Randy K7AGE of YouTube fame recently moved in to a new home on the coast of Oregon and had the enviable problem of outfitting his space for Ham Radio and Workbench activities. This week, he joins us to talk about building his workbench as well as how to shop Ham Fests for great deals on test equipment.