Feb 27, 2018
John Jacobs, host of the Field Radio Podcast, returns join in a discussion of basic DIY HF antennas. We talk some of the most common and easiest to build antennas such as Dipoles as well as how to build them and where to scrounge for materials! We also talk about our plans for our respective shows in light of Cale’s recent archiving of Ham Radio 360. We share the details of the Digilent Analog Discovery 2 package (and discount code!) with the audience!
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John Jacobs W7DBO, host of the Field Radio Podcast
Field Radio Podcast - http://fieldradiopodcast.org/
Field Radio Podcast YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/c/FieldRadioPodcast
Field Radio Podcast Twitter - https://twitter.com/FieldRadioPod
The Ham Radio 360 Archive - http://hamradio360.com/
Keep up with Cale Nelson K4CDN at the 6 Arrows Radio Network - http://6arn.com/
The EXCLUSIVE Digilent Ham Radio Workbench Analog Discovery 2 Package - https://store.digilentinc.com/ham-radio-workbench-bundle/
Use code HamRadioWorkbench2018 to save $100 (view cart to add code before checking out)
The new BayNet DMR Talkgroup is 31075
The new Yaesu FT-818 (the next generation FT-817 QRP Radio) - https://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/hamhf/0818.html
KF7IJZ Demonstrates Kirchoff’s Current Law as it applies to portable power boxes for charging and discharging at the same time - https://youtu.be/uA_WEykbGE4
Powerwerx Panel Mounts - https://powerwerx.com/panel-mounts
Julian - Survival Tech Nord - http://oh8stn.org/ https://www.youtube.com/user/SurvivalTechEU
Stuart KB1HQS - http://kb1hqs.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSkFZt2bfUZ-w3xNxUANFVw
KF7IJZ’s ICOM IC-7300 Voice Keyer Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqCWsfxDHJw
Comms to Go Portable Power Solutions - http://commstogo.com/
HF Dipole antenna Calculator - http://www.kwarc.org/ant-calc.html (or divide your frequency by 468 as a starting point for a half-wave HF dipole)
Where does 468 come from? by KB6NU - http://www.kb6nu.com/468-ham-radios-magic-number/
DIY End Fed Antenna - http://www.earchi.org/proj_homebrew.html
Bell Labs demonstration on Impedance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DovunOxlY1k
RigExpert Antenna Analyzers - https://rigexpert.com/antenna-analyzers-comparison-table/
DIY Dipole Center Insulator from W6LG - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5OqrvyjTgs
RF-Parts for RF connectors - https://www.rfparts.com/
The Wireman for high-quality antenna wire - https://www.thewireman.com/antennap.html
ARRL’s The Doctor Is In Podcast on Antenna Wire - http://www.arrl.org/files/file/DoctorPodcast/2018/January_18_2018_-_Antenna_Wire.mp3
ARRL’s The Doctor Is In Podcast on End Fed Antennas - http://www.arrl.org/files/file/DoctorPodcast/April%2027%20-%20End%20Fed%20Antennas.mp3
ARRL’s The Doctor Is In Podcast on Feed Line - http://www.arrl.org/files/file/DoctorPodcast/November%2023%202017%20-%20Coax%20vs%20Balanced%20Lines.mp3
NVIS Antenna Build Example - https://static.dxengineering.com/global/images/instructions/WP-NVIS-Rev3.pdf
Mag Loop - http://w8mrc.com/docs/presentations/Magnetic%20Loop.pdf
Making a high quality “Ugly” Balun - http://www.hamuniverse.com/balun.html
Knot Tying is an invaluable skill for outside antenna work
Knot Books
W4EDF erecting a 3 painter’s pole multi-band dipole by himself - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM6RGiFkdMM
Small Loop Calculator - http://www.66pacific.com/calculators/small-transmitting-loop-antenna-calculator.aspx
VK3YE DIY Small 40M Magnetic Loop - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv_RnLpZ9gw